If you have been doing affiliate marketing for anytime, you would have to agree that a conversion rate of 2-4% for a website promoting an affiliate product is pretty darn good. However, many BANS owners are claiming conversion rates of nearly 50% (for every 2 visitors, 1 buys for those of you who don't understand conversion mumbo jumbo). Now from a marketing perspective, that is absolutely astonishing. Why do BANS stores convert so well? If you have checked in out yet, you should check out my BANS Review
Obviously, probably the biggest reason that most would state would be that eBay offers the best deals on the internet most of the time. While this is true, there is something else that makes BANS convert so well with their customers.
The bottom line is that BANS sites grab their customers at the very tail end of their product research. I will explain here.
When someone is looking to potentially purchase something, they go through a series of search queries which normally ranges from a general search all the way to the most specific search for a particular brand.
Just to give you perspective into this, which do you think will convert better? Those that do a google search for....IPOD....OR.....those that do a google search for 4gb blue ipod with case?
Obviously, this is a no brainer but you have to understand that that is the type of long tail keywords that you will rank for when you build a BANS site. Sure, everyone would love to rank for the term IPOD and fortunes are built on a keyword that strong.
And that person searching for a 4gb blue ipod is most likely searching with their wallet out. Hence, why the conversions are good from BANS sites.
What makes the business model of the build a niche store so beautiful is that you grab those buyers who do the most particular searches on long tail keywords.
That said, do you have to target those keywords? Not at all. Here is what happens when you grab an eBay RSS feed. Using the IPOD site as an example, let's pretend that you have built it.
Now if you were building a regular site where you were dropshipping IPODS (what most do), then you would most likely target the primary keyword and possibly a few other keywords for your site. They then will have to spend months trying to rank high for their keywords.
However, when you use BANS, you basically grab the eBay RSS feed on your site, and in turn, you are getting all the keywords that a seller places on their ad and it is usually very specific.
Plus, since auctions are constantly ending and beginning, you are getting fresh content almost every hour on the hour. What that means from Google's point of view is that your site is constantly producing fresh content and therefore, your site will constantly be crawled by google's bots. This means that your site will constantly be ranking for new things.
That said, who do you think google will find more relevant for the search word 4gb blue ipod?...a static site that hasn't been updated for months or your site that is constantly being updated?
I hope I am not losing anyone here but that is very powerful stuff in terms of getting ranked for these long tails. BANS is hands down the best turnkey opportunity out there currently available.
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